Kendi olma serüveninin ontik sancısı: Çirkin Ördek Yavrusu
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Hüzeyfe Süleyman Arslan
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Günümüzde beğeni denilince akla ilk gelen genellikle görsel beğenidir. Zira yaşanılan yüzyıl imajın ve görsel beğeninin hüküm sürdüğü yüzyıldır. Varlıklarını uzlette sürdüren bireylerin ve imajların çoğaldığı bir çağdır bu... Bu açıdan bakıldığında insan; dışlanma, kendisi olma, yalnızlaşma, ötekileşme gibi birtakım aşamalardan geçerek kendi benliğini oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada “Çirkin Ördek Yavrusu” masalı da özellikle güzelliğin saplantılı bir değer olarak yüceltilmesi, toplumca onaylanmayan fiziksel görüntünün dışlanması, farklılık arayışları ve taleplerinin etkili biçimde bastırılması, kişinin kendisi olma mücadelesinin akamete uğratılması, kitlesel ve topluluk aidiyetinin kutsanması ve benzerliğin ürettiği şiddet, vb. bakımlardan irdelenmektedir. Ayrıca bu çalışmada ele alınan masal, Nietzsche’nin defaatle üzerinde durduğu trajik yaşama da örnek teşkil etmektedir. Nietzsche’ye göre, yaşamın trajik hali ve onun üstesinden gelinmesi amor fati ve üstinsan imgesiyle ancak mümkündür. Bu açıdan Çirkin Ördek Yavrusu için bir ideal olan kuğular masalda üstinsana gönderme olarak düşünülmüştür. Masal Nietzsche’nin geliştirdiği üstinsan, amor fati ve trajik yaşam kavramları etrafında da tartışılmıştır. Çalışmada doküman analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır.
Nowadays, the first thing that comes to mind is usually visual liking since people are living in a century in which image and visual appreciation prevail. This is an age in which individuals and images are constantly increasing, reigning, approved or thrown out of the circle, and continue to exist in the country. In this respect, human being forms its own self through a number of stages such as exclusion, being itself, loneliness and marginalization. In this study, the story “The Ugly Duckling” is discussed in terms of, especially exalting the beauty as an obsessive value, exclusion of the physical image that is not approved by the society, suppressing the search for differences and demands effectively, disrupting the struggle of being one’s self, blessing the mass and community belonging and the violence produced by the similarity and so on. In addition, the fairy tale discussed in this study is an example of the tragic life that Nietzsche repeatedly emphasized. According to Nietzsche, the tragic state of life and its overcoming is only possible with the image of amor fati and superhuman. In this respect, swans, which are ideal for the Ugly Duckling, are considered as references to the superhuman in the fairy tale. The tale was also discussed around the concepts of superman, amor fati and tragic life developed by Nietzsche. Document analysis method was used in the study.
Nowadays, the first thing that comes to mind is usually visual liking since people are living in a century in which image and visual appreciation prevail. This is an age in which individuals and images are constantly increasing, reigning, approved or thrown out of the circle, and continue to exist in the country. In this respect, human being forms its own self through a number of stages such as exclusion, being itself, loneliness and marginalization. In this study, the story “The Ugly Duckling” is discussed in terms of, especially exalting the beauty as an obsessive value, exclusion of the physical image that is not approved by the society, suppressing the search for differences and demands effectively, disrupting the struggle of being one’s self, blessing the mass and community belonging and the violence produced by the similarity and so on. In addition, the fairy tale discussed in this study is an example of the tragic life that Nietzsche repeatedly emphasized. According to Nietzsche, the tragic state of life and its overcoming is only possible with the image of amor fati and superhuman. In this respect, swans, which are ideal for the Ugly Duckling, are considered as references to the superhuman in the fairy tale. The tale was also discussed around the concepts of superman, amor fati and tragic life developed by Nietzsche. Document analysis method was used in the study.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çirkin Ördek Yavrusu, Masal, Üstinsan, Farklılık, Dışlanma, Güzellik, Ugly Duckling, Fairy Tale, Superman, Difference, Exclusion, Beauty
Akademik Hassasiyetler (The Academic Elegance)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Karabulut, A. Kendi olma serüveninin ontik sancısı: Çirkin ördek yavrusu. Akademik hassasiyetler, 7(14), 95-120.