Farklı sulama ve gübreleme uygulamalarının Kabaaşı kayısı çeşidinde vegetatif gelişime ve verim üzerine etkisi
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MTÖ Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma, farklı sulama aralıkları ve gübre dozu uygulamalarının Kabaaşı kayısı çeşidinde bitki gelişimi, meyve kalitesi ve verim parametreleri üzerine etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla 2016 ve 2017 yıllarında Kayısı Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü Battalgazi Kampüsü Araştırma Uygulama Bahçesi'nde yürütülmüştür. Deneme alanında 2011 yılında 10x10 metre aralıklarla dikimi yapılmış 27 adet Kabaaşı kayısı ağacında 3 tekerrürlü olarak 10, 20, 30 günde bir sulama ve N, P, K gübreleri sonbahar ve ilkbahar olmak üzere üç farklı dozda uygulanmıştır. Fizyolojik olarak çiçeklenme, yaprak dökümü ve hasat tarihleri ile ağaç başına ve toplam verim kaydedilmiş, meyvelerin pomolojik özelliklerine bakılmıştır. Bitkilerin vegetatif olarak; gövde, anadal ve sürgün çapları ile sürgün uzunlukları, ağaçların gelişimlerinin başlangıç ve bitiş dönemleri olmak üzere yılda iki defa ölçülerek kaydedilmiştir. Araştırmanın yürütüldüğü her iki yılda optimum hasat dönemlerinde bazı meyve kalite özelliklerine bakılmış ve hasat tarihleri kaydedilmiştir. Yine yaprak oransal su kapsamı ve besin element içeriklerine iki yıl boyunca bakılmıştır. Hava sıcaklığının 2016 yılı Mart ayında 0 °C'nin altına düşmesi nedeniyle, küçük meyveler dondan etkilenmiş ve kayda değer bir verim alınamamıştır. Ertesi yılda ise ağaç başına ortalama 64.8 kg verim elde edilmiştir. İstatistiksel olarak en fazla verim 10 gün (85.7 kg) ve 20 gün (74.4 kg) arayla sulanan konularda 3 nolu gübre dozunda, 2 nolu (72.3 kg) ve 3 nolu (85.7 kg) gübre dozu uygulamalarında ise 10 ve 20 gün arayla sulanan konularda alınırken, en az verim ortama 57 kg ile 30 günde bir sulanan konuda alınmıştır. Denemenin ilk yılında elde edilen bitki gelişim parametrelerinden gövde (17.7 - %25.8) ve anadal (16.1 - %39.8) çapları değişim oranı ile sürgün çapı (8.2 - 11.6 mm) ve uzunluğuna (72.2 - 127.6 cm) ait en düşük ve en yüksek değerler, ikinci yılın değerlerinden (8.2 - %16.20; 8.6 - %22.2; 3.7 - 4.5 mm; 17.4 - 25.0 cm) daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu durumun denemenin ilk yılında gerçekleşen ilkbahar geç donundan dolayı ağaçların meyve yükünün yok denecek kadar az olmasından kaynaklandığı düşünülmektedir. İlk yıl istatistiksel olarak meyve boyutlarına farklı gübre dozlarının etkisinin önemli olmadığı, benzer durumun farklı sulama aralıklarında da görüldüğü tespit edilmiştir. İkinci yıl 3 nolu gübre dozunda seyrek aralıklarla (30 gün) yapılan sulama konusundaki meyve boyutlarının sık sulanan konudaki meyve boyutlarından büyük olduğu görülmüştür. Bunun seyrek aralıklarla yapılan sulama konusundaki ağaçların veriminin düşük olmasından kaynaklandığı düşünülmektedir.
This study was carried out in order to determine the effects of different irrigation intervals and fertilizer (N, P, K) dose on the plant growth, fruit quality and yield parameters of Kabaaşı apricot cultivar in 2016 and 2017 conducted at Apricot Research Institute Directorate, Battalgazi Campus. Plant material used in this study were 27 Kabaaşı apricot trees planted in 2011 with 10x10 m arrangement and were tested with 10, 20, 30 days irrigation interval with N, P, K fertilizer doses applied in autumn and spring. Physiologically, flowers, leaves and harvest dates of the trees and total yield were recorded and the pomological characteristics of fruits were examined. Vegetative characteristics of the trees included; trunk, main and shoot diameters and shoot length measured twice a year, starting the beginning of plant development and ending period of development of trees. Fruit characteristics were determined for two years and harvest dates were recorded. The leaf water content and nutrient element contents were also measured in two years of the study. In March of 2016, the temperature is the spring was lower than 0 °C and the fruits were affected by frost and no significant yields were obtained therefore some of the measurements were could not be done. In following year the average yield was about 64.8 kg per tree. Statisticly higest yield were obtained obtained from 10 day (85.7 kg) and 20 days (74.4 kg) with higest fertilizer application. On the other hand the lowest yied was from 30 day irrigation interval treatment with the lowest fertilizer applied treatment. Plant growth parameters in the first year of the current study such as percent change in trunk and main branch diameters (17.7 - %25.8; 16.1 - %39.8) and diameter and length of shoots (8.2 - 11.6 mm; 72.2 - 127.6 cm) were higher than second year of the study for the respective parameters (8.2 - %16.20; 8.6 - %22.2; 3.7 - 4.5 mm; 17.4 - 25.0 cm). This difference was attributed the late spring frost occurred in the first year of the study that resulted in no or low fruit yield. Results of the study indicated that there was no significant effect of fertilizer doses on fruit sizes in the first year of the study and similar statistical results were also observed among irrigation treatments. In the second year, it was observed that fruit sizes in 30 day irrigation interval trials were larger than other treatments probably due to the low yield from that irrigation treatment.
This study was carried out in order to determine the effects of different irrigation intervals and fertilizer (N, P, K) dose on the plant growth, fruit quality and yield parameters of Kabaaşı apricot cultivar in 2016 and 2017 conducted at Apricot Research Institute Directorate, Battalgazi Campus. Plant material used in this study were 27 Kabaaşı apricot trees planted in 2011 with 10x10 m arrangement and were tested with 10, 20, 30 days irrigation interval with N, P, K fertilizer doses applied in autumn and spring. Physiologically, flowers, leaves and harvest dates of the trees and total yield were recorded and the pomological characteristics of fruits were examined. Vegetative characteristics of the trees included; trunk, main and shoot diameters and shoot length measured twice a year, starting the beginning of plant development and ending period of development of trees. Fruit characteristics were determined for two years and harvest dates were recorded. The leaf water content and nutrient element contents were also measured in two years of the study. In March of 2016, the temperature is the spring was lower than 0 °C and the fruits were affected by frost and no significant yields were obtained therefore some of the measurements were could not be done. In following year the average yield was about 64.8 kg per tree. Statisticly higest yield were obtained obtained from 10 day (85.7 kg) and 20 days (74.4 kg) with higest fertilizer application. On the other hand the lowest yied was from 30 day irrigation interval treatment with the lowest fertilizer applied treatment. Plant growth parameters in the first year of the current study such as percent change in trunk and main branch diameters (17.7 - %25.8; 16.1 - %39.8) and diameter and length of shoots (8.2 - 11.6 mm; 72.2 - 127.6 cm) were higher than second year of the study for the respective parameters (8.2 - %16.20; 8.6 - %22.2; 3.7 - 4.5 mm; 17.4 - 25.0 cm). This difference was attributed the late spring frost occurred in the first year of the study that resulted in no or low fruit yield. Results of the study indicated that there was no significant effect of fertilizer doses on fruit sizes in the first year of the study and similar statistical results were also observed among irrigation treatments. In the second year, it was observed that fruit sizes in 30 day irrigation interval trials were larger than other treatments probably due to the low yield from that irrigation treatment.
YÖK Tez No: 536450
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Kayısı, Kabaaşı, Sulama, Gübreleme, Apricot, İrrigation, Fertilization