Malatya Turgut Özal University Institutional Repository için istatistikler

Toplam ziyaret

Utilization of Lignite and Waste Biomass As a Clean Energy Source by Carbonization 103
Effect of sleep hygiene education on sleep quality in patients with liver transplantation 31
The effects of production parameters on the physical properties of dual-core slub yarns 31
Asymmetric Relationship Between Environmental Protection Expenditures and Economic Growth: Panel Causality Findings From Selected OECD Countries 24
Uluslararası ve Ulusal Mevzuata Göre Türkiye’ye Kitlesel Olarak Göç Edenler İçin Tanımlanan Hukuki Statüler 17
On extremal rough i-convergence limit point of triple sequence spaces defined by a metric function 14
Suskunlar Romanının Karakterler ve Temas İlişkileri Üzerine Çözümlenmesi 12
Recommendations for Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin and Antiviral Prophylaxis Against Hepatitis B Recurrence After Liver Transplantation 11
Augmented grasshopper optimization algorithm by differential evolution: a power scheduling application in smart homes 10
Evaluation of the efferent auditory system in COVID-19 adult patients 9