Taşyürek, Lütfü BilalGündüz, Bayram2022-04-082022-04-082020TAŞYÜREK, L. B., & GÜNDÜZ, B. Dispersion characteristics of silk fibroin protein polymer. Journal of Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials, 3(1), 4-8.2651-3080https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/jphcfum/issue/54729/738650https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12899/938Silk is a natural protein fiber and is widely used in textile technology. Apart from textile technology, silk is preferred in many fields and applications such as biomedical because of its superior advantages. In this study, the fibroin silk solution was used as a biomaterial. The refractive indices of silk fibroin (SF) protein polymer were obtained and the refractive index dispersion of the SF protein polymer was analyzed in detail.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessSilk fibroinbiomaterialrefractive indexdispersionbone tissue engineeringDispersion characteristics of silk fibroin protein polymerArticle3148