Productive efficiency of the pelagic trawl fisheries in the Southern Black Sea


Financial support and ease of purchase should be provided to renew fishing fleets.

Increasing subsidies other than fuel subsidy will make the trawlers more effective.

The fuel subsidy should be based on stock assessments.

Increasing the pelagic trawl count has its drawbacks.


This study aimed to reveal the need for efficient catching activity by comparing the efficiency of pelagic trawl fisheries in Turkey with Stochastic frontier analysis (SFA). For this purpose, data were obtained through face-to-face interviews with 19 vessels randomly selected among 82 fishing vessels during the period. Variables used for technical inefficiency (ui) were determined as professional trawling experience, the total crew, pelagic trawling subsidy rates, and the use of pelagic trawling credits. It was used the FRONTIER 4.1. for Stochastic efficiency frontier calculations developed by Coelli (2007). As a result of the study, it was revealed that an improvement of 26% was required for trawlers to become efficient. Technical efficiency in the sampled vessels ranged from 0.413 to 0.998, with an average of 0.739. According to the results, it was concluded that the efficiency of pelagic trawl fisheries could be increased due to the improvements in the existing structural conditions and the revisions to be made in the policies implemented and the subsidies provided. However, the factors affecting inefficiency seem to be influenced by internal factors such as experience in pelagic trawling, the total crew, and the most critical issue to eliminate inefficiency seems to be increasing the subsidy rate in pelagic trawlers.

In this study, it was found that the effects of engine power, total length, fuel consumption and active fishing day reduce the effect of fish catching pressure to a low level. However, other factors affecting this pressure were also included in the model. Especially when it was considered that the use of credit did not affect the efficiency, it was revealed that the increase in the subsidy rates rather than the fuel subsidy would make the trawlers more efficient.


Pelagic trawl
Stochastic frontier analysis
Productive efficiency
Black Sea
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